Sunday, March 16, 2014

Running! and Getting Lucky!

Get Lucky 1/2 marathon came and went, so did my birthday and the horrible stomach flu. 
dress and curled hair/ no run, bike clothes or pony tails

The only race that had been on my schedule for 2014 was the Get Lucky 1/2 marathon. Training without a coach, and  with the polar vortex definitely left me low end of being ready for a solid race. Too many runs ending walking or plodding along with tears rolling down my face don't leave you ready to race. But, I was set and totally fine to just go run, finish with a smile on my face and call it a mental victory. Then somehow I got an awful stomach flu that wouldn't leave.  I've never had it last so long and blamed the polar vortex. I lived on saltines sprite and rice for about a week. Even the afternoon before race day I was still sick and could barely get through a 3 mile run.  I think I puked and ...... out all that nasty virus & effects of polar vortex in me.  I headed to the city race morning with my friends  and decided to switch to the 7k. I wanted to run! With the fee required to switch races, its the most expensive and only 7k I've ever done! I started in the middle not even in the front, thats how un-prepared I felt. The weather was a decent enough to lose a few layers and wear my SWEET Betty team shorts some lucky socks to make it fun (and a little warmer).
Betty Runs!

I just ran, no plan no idea how or what I could do. The course required navigating oncoming traffic, ice and mud but it was fun to get out, and just run. 

 I was happy to be able to
1. run in shorts
2. suprise myself with decent pace on haphazord training
3. finish with a smile, even if it was just a 7k

fun friends and they smashed their races!
Its lighter out now, the snow has been melting, I can see the concrete of my patio for first time in months and ....I have more motivation. Enough that I pulled the trigger and signed up for Portland Marathon. This will be a new adventure and very different from anything I've done for years. It is Oct 5, so I can still dive full force into Cyclocross all fall and winter.  Im planning on doing lots of running, some bike races and maybe a few triathlons to break up the miles of running and keep it interesting. 

Speaking of running!, Locals spread the word. We are giving a talk at Geneva Running Outfitters on Thurs March 20. My friend and fellow employee Lisa Mertz and I will be speaking on kicking off training and race season smart! Tips on how to stay injury free, and run faster to include some info and video on our SEP (Sport Enhancement Program) at Dreyer where I work.  GRO
Click on Events.

More running!  My friend's 17 year old daughter is an amazing Kaneland High School student. She is organizing and promoting a local 5k through her school DECA program that supports the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago. Please get out and support her race if you are around the western suburbs. Seize the Purple

Happy Run Miles!