Tuesday, May 3, 2011

For Moms with an Endurance Habit.......

I’ve been a mom for almost 8 years. Before taking on this job, I had no experience other than caring for my 2 dogs that didn’t talk back, did what they were told and I could leave alone in the house for hours. My own Mom is the best there is and I have tried to follow in her footsteps, while at times continuing on the path of endurance junkie. Trying to be good at both worlds isn't always easy.

In only 8 years I have experienced so many memorable moments (good and bad) that it’s a job I wouldn’t trade this job for anything. With Mother’s Day approaching I have taken some time to remember some of the crazy things I have already experienced in my 8 yrs of motherhood.

It all started immediately after I gave birth to Jack when my doctor was stitching me up and I asked how soon I could run because I had a World Championship race to get ready for in 6 months……

I have:

Woken up at 3 in the morning to nurse a newborn before leaving to race at 10 weeks post partum

Done a track workouts 8 weeks post partum with swollen boobs that actually bounced and jiggled something I’m not familiar with (Gross!)

Gone to work with puke on my clothes and not known about it until an hour later when I could smell it

Sat in a pre-school size kiddy chair being served tea with trashed cycling legs so sore I could barely stand up

Driven around in the car solo with kids music still playing and singing out loud

Cried in front of strangers watching him go to kindergarten, and cried again when he graduated, only a mom would know.

Sat outside the school at the start of 1st grade to make sure he made it all the way in the door… for the first month.

Ridden my trainer watching Backyardigans, Scooby Doo, and more recently star wars clone wars, now that’s mental toughness

Used bribery to get him to stay in the jogger longer so I could fit in an entire run workout

Sat at soccer, baseball and wrestling practices so tired from getting up at 5 a.m. I could barely keep my eyes open, yet didn’t want to miss a minute

Skipped workouts or races because sometimes…….being a mom is more important.

Stressed more about figuring out how to fit in a workout than actually doing it

Been up for hours in the night with a sick kid and still managed to fit in workouts the next day

Tried to set a positive, balanced example for my kids that fitness, training racing and goals are fun and rewarding

Happy Mother's Day


CoachFreeb said...

Well . . . now you know. What would it be like if you multiplied by 4?

Life is good.

And gets better everyday in every way.

Jennifer Harrison said...