Since Chicago I have been participating in R.A.F. Random Act of Fitness.
Adam uses this term to describe the weekend warrior types, who go for it on the weekends,or short periodic bursts of training but are slugs by the week. Train then rest, rest some more then train like crazy. Its a funny term and makes me laugh. Now I feel like I am part of the R. A. F. crowd. A few bouts of exercise here and there. Mostly I just want to be able to wear a swimsuit in Hawaii because I want to go surfing.
I have been enjoying extra time the past week or so, but unlike last year still have the motivation to go out and do something. Simon says (ha ha ha) take another week easy, and do only what you feel like.
So since Chicago my training has consisted of:
* a few easy runs, some with Lucy the golden girl dog. She is always up for a run, no complaints. No Ipod, no watch just out enjoying to run.
* 1 trip back to the personal trainer. This hurt. Just 2 weeks out of the weights, and I am sore from the easy stuff. The pictures doesn't show me out pulling the sled like a football player through the grass. Now I'm walking down the stairs like I just did Ironman. This just reinforced to me how weak I can get if I don't stick to the weights! Note to self, don't tell Mark its too easy.
* 1 ride on the cross bike after dusting off the cob webs and dirt from last year off. On this ride I had with me 2 6 year olds on their bikes, and 2 Ironman athletes doing and easy run. We had 1 pit stop to pull thorns out of a mini skirt, 1 lost streamer, and lots of talk about Ironman race strategy.
* Lots of walks to and from Jack's school. I literally have enough time in the a.m. to walk him to school, then walk fast / jog back home to get in the car and drive to work just in time to see the first patient. Its worth it to walk, once the nasty weather comes, I"m sure I'll be in that car pool line.
* I even managed 1 swim. Kristin, (pro from Norway) is staying with us. She needed a ride to masters, Adam was biking so I opted to go, knowing it would force me to swim a little because who knows when I'll be motivated to go swim again this off season. It was quite nice though to just slack in the back of the lane and observe all the nervous looking Ironman athletes.
Breaks are good. They let let you re-charge the brain, and body and leave you motivated to get back into it. Being part of team R.A.F is fun for now, but I don't see it being a long lasting relationship.
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