Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Wild Ride

Yes, I am still here! This time of year gets so busy. I have been on one wild ride lately, that doesn't seem to end.... like those long IM training rides I have been doing. AFter Vegas, I went to Los Angeles with Adam for some TBC stuff, and while there had the chance to meet Chris McCormack. Now that is wild! hanging out in a coffe shop with the current IM World Champ. Really? It seems when I travel it takes so long to catch back up at home and these trips have been streaming together. It makes life...wild at home, but with how awful the weather has stayed I guess Im glad for the chance to escape and am getting used to 1/2 packed bags laying around. Now we're getting ready to head to Memphis. We are heading south so yea,,,,warmer weather and my first race of this year! Memphis is always a good time, even though I have been IM training, I am looking forward to racing fast, in some heat.

Speaking of wild rides, my "easy ride" on Tuesday. Heading north, I was literally going 16 mph....not pedaling!!! (maybe a little too easy), then heading home, trying to spin going 9 mph and putting out watts at threshold! The wind. MY goodness, mother nature has it out for us this year. The police I passed were probably ready to arrest me for being crazy to ride in that wind. What I've found, I'd much rather have headwind than cross wind. If the cross wind can shake my SUV at a stoplight, you can bet, I'm getting blown accross the road. It finally just became funny to me.

After lots of big training I was so ready for some rest. I had a great massage from Becky Sanford. I highly recommend her. She gives MSM members a discount and isn't afraid to dig where its tight. Rest and recovery is important to training. Some athletes find it difficult to take the rest/ days or periods, but really that is your body's way to adapt to all the hard work you've put it through. I was interviewd by TBC's David Warden from Tri-talk, which was made into a podcast. The discussion was ways to help recover, injury prevention etc. We talked about ice baths (i love / hate them, but they are very effective), massage, muscle imablances etc. You can find it on i-tunes...I think under triathlon.

Good luck to all, there is a lot of racing going on with Memphis Galena, and 5ks.
Go Wild!

1 comment:

carmen said...

Good luck in Menphis, go Lindsay go!
Run fast,happy,!